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I reserved the domain name,, many years ago. My intent was to start a personal blog online. Like most good intents, it never happened. I simply did not have the time to set things up. Ironically, the event that gave me the time was an Achilles rupture that happened to me on November 21, 2009. My heelcatcher blog was birthed out of my snapped heel. I wish I would have found a less painful way to get things started.
Category Archives: Coronavirus/COVID-19
Fatigue & the Coronavirus
I began 2021 in quarantine with COVID. I am ending 2021 in quarantine with COVID. Deja vu. A year ago, almost to the day, my son came down with the coronavirus. A few days later, I got it. (Primarily because … Continue reading
Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19
Vaccines & the Coronavirus
My wife thinks I’m crazy. She is probably right. “Why in the world would you want to write anything about vaccines? You are just asking for trouble.” A quick perusal around social media will make it clear that talking about … Continue reading
Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19
Ice Cream and the Coronavirus
Well, the coronavirus finally hit home. On Christmas day, no less. It appears to be the gift of 2020 that keeps on giving. Our adventure began last Wednesday night. My two sons, my daughter-in-law, and I had a hankering for … Continue reading
Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19
Masks & the Coronavirus
Masks or no masks? At the beginning of 2020, I would not have believed that that simple question would be one of the biggest ones I would face during the upcoming year. In fact, I wouldn’t have even understood the … Continue reading
Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19
Five Undeniable Lessons from the Coronavirus
The coronavirus has impacted us all. Yet we all have different opinions about its origin, nature, danger, mortality rate, treatment, and prevention…along with a whole host of concerns, questions, suspicions, and criticisms of our government’s response to it. Unique times. … Continue reading
Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19
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