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I reserved the domain name,, many years ago. My intent was to start a personal blog online. Like most good intents, it never happened. I simply did not have the time to set things up. Ironically, the event that gave me the time was an Achilles rupture that happened to me on November 21, 2009. My heelcatcher blog was birthed out of my snapped heel. I wish I would have found a less painful way to get things started.
Category Archives: Creation and Humanity
Awe. What is it? A sense of wonder. A sense of transcendence. A sense of your own smallness. You stare at the Grand Canyon in awe. The beauty. The enormity. The grandiosity. Wading through the Narrows of Zion National Park. … Continue reading
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The Myth of Science
There is a common conception in our culture that Science has all the answers to life and has conquered the superstitious myths of religion, particularly Judeo-Christian belief. This is a myth in itself. Here are a few observations that need … Continue reading
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Shakespearean Monkeys and Evolution
Lately I have been fascinated by Gerald Schroeder's books. He has a Ph.D in physics and earth sciences from MIT. I don't agree with everything he writes in the theological realm but he makes me think about the amazing nature … Continue reading
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The Beauty of Gender
The first poem in the Bible goes like this: So God created man in His own image. In the image of God He created him. Male and female He created them. In Hebrew, Genesis 1:27 is composed of three … Continue reading
Posted in Creation and Humanity, Sex and Marriage
The Wonder of Creation
In the beginning God… Is there any statement more radical, more revolutionary, more real? In the beginning… Time has a beginning. It is a created segment of eternity. It is a short story written by the infinite God. We feel … Continue reading
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