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- What You Need to Know about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
- Why We Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
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- Is Christianity for Real or Is It Just a Bunch of Hopeful Hooey?
- A Sober Eschatology (or How to Live in the End Times without Losing Your Mind)
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I reserved the domain name,, many years ago. My intent was to start a personal blog online. Like most good intents, it never happened. I simply did not have the time to set things up. Ironically, the event that gave me the time was an Achilles rupture that happened to me on November 21, 2009. My heelcatcher blog was birthed out of my snapped heel. I wish I would have found a less painful way to get things started.
Category Archives: Random Thoughts
Why We Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.” For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.” … Continue reading
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The Inconvenient Truth about Abortion
Abortion. Roe v. Wade. Supreme Court leaks. Protests. All of it is so emotionally and politically charged that it is hard to sort through, think through, or discuss without an argument. But if you step back for a moment… if … Continue reading
Posted in Random Thoughts
Going Back Home
I just returned from a trip back to my hometown (Green Cove Springs, FL) to see my parents. They are getting older…moving slower. Life is changing. While there, I was able to explore my hometown for the first time in … Continue reading
Posted in Random Thoughts
A Few Thoughts on Fear & Anxiety
How do you deal with fear and anxiety? It is certainly a relevant question since all of us deal with fear and anxiety in some form or another, whether we recognize it or not. And the pandemic has only increased … Continue reading
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Timeshares and the Gospel
My wife and I just attended a timeshare presentation. You know, the kind where you are given great gifts and vacation stays for simply agreeing to listen to a 90-minute sales pitch on the incredible, undeniable value of timeshares. It … Continue reading
Posted in Random Thoughts